Why orgasms are your best friends on your period

Why orgasms are your best friends on your period

Engaging in sex (or solo) during your period isn't everyone's preference, and it can be socially taboo for some. 

But nature seems to have a different opinion!⚡

There's a reason women often feel more aroused during their period: research has shown that fluctuating estrogen levels can significantly boost libido. 

Following these natural urges can offer numerous benefits, potentially replacing the need for hot water bottles and painkillers.

It's not just sex that provides relief; even masturbation can help. The key is reaching orgasm 😉


💦How can an orgasm alleviate period pain?

When you orgasm, your body releases dopamine, which plays a role in pain processing in the brain. Dopamine acts as a natural painkiller by increasing pain tolerance! 

"Serotonin and dopamine are mood-enhancing hormones released during orgasm, which effectively alleviate menstrual cramps," says Dr. Aruna Kalra, an OB-GYN at CK Birla Hospital, in an interview  with Health Shots. 

This means you can skip the chemical paracetamol and rely on your body's natural pain relief! Double win!

Orgasms also boost blood flow, causing more blood to rush to the uterus, helping with cramps 💫 


🗓️Apparently, they shorten your period too!

Orgasms trigger the release of oxytocin, a hormone that controls uterine contractions. These contractions can help expel menstrual blood faster. Although no studies have confirmed this, some believe it’s likely that menstrual blood is pushed out during orgasms. 

Makes sense, right? 😌


🩸Not to mention - periods enhance orgasms!

The benefits are reciprocal: while orgasms can ease period pain, menstruation can enhance orgasms. During menstruation, increased blood flow and circulation can boost arousal, sensitivity, and pleasure! 

😴Some obvious benefits are better mood and better sleep!

There's a scientific reason: sex ensures endorphins & melatonin are released, which lower our stress levels, enhance mood and help in a much better REM cycle.

If you want to minimise the mess, we suggest wearing your sexiest period underwear (we have some  options), and using a toy (or good old fingers!) to pleasure yourself against the fabric! 🪩

It’s the perfect setup for having your best orgasm of the month! 

It's fun, safe & a perfectly healthy way to spend some time with yourself 🥵

Happy menstruating ;)




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