The Truth Behind Your Go-To Sanitary Napkins

The Truth Behind Your Go-To Sanitary Napkins

Sanitary napkins are the go-to menstrual care product for the majority of women in India (surprise, surprise!). But, beyond their utility, lie lesser-known health and environmental hazards that they cause. 

But let’s talk about you first. 


Here’s what your go-to pad brand has been hiding from you:

  1. Chemical Contamination: The most popular sanitary napkins contain a plethora of chemicals such as dioxins, furans, and pesticide residues. These toxic substances are by-products of the bleaching process used to make the pads appear white. Use them long enough and you’re at risk of severe health issues including reproductive problems, hormonal disruptions, and even cancer!
  2. Synthetic Materials: Most sanitary napkins are made from synthetic materials like polyethene, polypropylene, and super-absorbent polymers. These materials not only contribute to environmental pollution but also increase the risk of skin irritation and allergies. So if you’ve been wondering what about your pad has been causing all that itching, and the rashes, now you know.
  3. Fragrances and Dyes: Manufacturers often add fragrances and dyes to sanitary napkins to mask odours and enhance their aesthetic appeal. These additives can often trigger allergic reactions and exacerbate any existing sensitivities. And to add fuel to the fire, the lack of disclosure around specific ingredients used in these fragrances raises alarms about potentially undisclosed harmful chemicals. 


Environmental Hazards:

  1. Landfill Overflow: The convenience of disposable sanitary napkins comes at a significant cost to the environment. According to the World Bank, approximately 12 billion sanitary pads are disposed of annually, in India alone. They not only occupy valuable space but release harmful chemicals into the soil and groundwater.
  2. Plastic Pollution & Waste-Mismanagement: The plastic components of pads are a deadly threat to marine life and ecosystems! Improper disposal or flushing of pads leads to their eventual deposition in water bodies, where they break down into microplastics, endangering aquatic organisms and disrupting fragile ecosystems.
  3. Carbon Footprint: The manufacturing process of pads involves the consumption of a vast amount of energy and resources, adding to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. A study published in the Journal of Cleaner Production estimated that the average carbon footprint of a single plastic pad is around 5.5 kg of CO2 equivalents – in simpler words what that means is, the production of a single pad releases roughly 5.5 kg of CO2! From extraction and processing of raw materials to transportation and packaging, every step of the production cycle leaves a dire carbon footprint.

 We've uncovered some more hard-hitting stats on the impact that pads have on our planet, right here, for you!

Now What?

Sure, using pads might be a convenient choice, but the question lies - at what cost? Their widespread usage comes with clear significant health and environmental risks. 

But a blessing to 21st-century women is that we have better alternatives out there - like our Reusable Period Underwear! Each period underwear you invest in can be washed and reused up to 2 years. Depending on the style you choose, they absorb up to 6 pads of blood in one go - that means you can wear them for anywhere between 8-24 hours (depending on your flow, of course). In case you’re wondering how that works, here’s another page that spills the beans, all over our magic underwear!



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Period Underwear through the Ages: From Teens to Menopause
Breaking the Silence: How to talk to your teenage daughter about her period

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